Go range

In Go, we use range with the for loop to iterate through the elements of array, string, or map.

Before you learn about range, make sure you know the working of Golang for loop.

Go for range with Array

We can use the for range loop to access the individual index and element of an array. For example,

// Program using range with array

package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
  // array of numbers
  numbers := [5]int{21, 24, 27, 30, 33}
  // use range to iterate over the elements of array
for index, item := range numbers { fmt.Printf("numbers[%d] = %d \n", index, item) }


numbers[0] = 21 
numbers[1] = 24 
numbers[2] = 27 
numbers[3] = 30 
numbers[4] = 33

In the above example, we have used the for range

for index, item := range numbers {

Here, the range keyword returns two items:

  • array index: 0, 1, 2, and so on.
  • array element at corresponding index: 21, 24, 27, and so on.

To learn more about arrays, visit Golang arrays.

range with string in Golang

In Go, we can also use the for range keyword with string to access individual characters of a string along with their respective index. For example,

// Program using range with string

package main
import "fmt"

func main() {
  string := "Golang"
  fmt.Println("Index: Character")

  // i access index of each character
  // item access each character
for i, item := range string { fmt.Printf("%d= %c \n", i, item) }


Index: Character
0: G
1: o
2: l
3: a
4: n
5: g

In the above example, we have used the for range to access the individual characters of the string Golang along with their respective index.

To learn more about strings, visit Golang string.

for range with Go map

In Go, we can also use the for range keyword with map to access key-value pairs. For example,

// Program using range with map

package main
import "fmt"

func main() {

  // create a map
  subjectMarks := map[string]float32{"Java": 80, "Python": 81, "Golang": 85}
  fmt.Println("Marks obtained:")

  // use for range to iterate through the key-value pair
for subject, marks := range subjectMarks { fmt.Println(subject, ":", marks) }


Marks Obtained:
Java: 80
Python: 81
Golang: 85

In every iteration, the loop iterates through the key-value pair of a map.

Iteration Subject Marks
1 Java 80
2 Python 81
3 Golang 85

To learn more about map, visit Golang map.

Access keys of Map using Go range

We can also use the for range to only access the keys of a map. For example,

// Program to retrieve the keys of a map

package main
import "fmt"

func main() {

  // create a map
  subjectMarks := map[string]float32{"Java": 80, "Python": 81, "Golang": 85}

for subject := range subjectMarks { fmt.Println( subject) }



Here, we have used range to retrieve just the keys "Java", "Python", "Golang" of a map subjectMarks.

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