Find Sum, Mean and Product of Vector in R Programming

We can sum the elements of a vector using the sum() function.

Similarly, mean() and prod() functions can be used to find the mean and product of the terms.

Example: Vector Elements Arithmetic

> sum(2,7,5)
[1] 14

> x
[1]  2 NA  3  1  4

> sum(x)    # if any element is NA or NaN, result is NA or NaN
[1] NA

> sum(x, na.rm=TRUE)    # this way we can ignore NA and NaN values
[1] 10

> mean(x, na.rm=TRUE)
[1] 2.5

> prod(x, na.rm=TRUE)
[1] 24

Whenever a vector contains NA (Not Available) or NaN (Not a Number), functions such as sum(), mean(), prod() etc. produce NA or NaN respectively.

In order to ignore such values, we pass in the argument na.rm = TRUE.

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