C sinh()

C sinh() Prototype

double sinh( double arg );

The sinh() function takes a single argument and returns the value of type double.

[Mathematics] sinhx = sinh(x) [In C programming]

It is defined in <math.h> header file.

In order to find the sinh() of long double or float numbers, use the following prototype.

long double sinhl( long double arg );
float sinhf( float arg );

C sinh() range

The arguments passed to the function sinh() can be any number, either negative or positive.

Example: C sinh() function

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#define PI 3.141592654

int main()
    double angle = 2.50, result;
    result = sinh(angle);
    printf("Sine hyperbolic of %.2lf (in radians) = %.2lf", angle, result);
    return 0;


Sine hyperbolic of 2.50 (in radians) = 6.05
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