Python String partition()

The syntax of partition() is:


partition() Parameters()

The partition() method takes a string parameter separator that separates the string at the first occurrence of it.

Return Value from partition()

The partition method returns a 3-tuple containing:

  • the part before the separator, separator parameter, and the part after the separator if the separator parameter is found in the string
  • the string itself and two empty strings if the separator parameter is not found

Example: How partition() works?

string = "Python is fun"

# 'is' separator is found
print(string.partition('is '))

# 'not' separator is not found
print(string.partition('not '))

string = "Python is fun, isn't it"

# splits at first occurence of 'is'


('Python ', 'is ', 'fun')
('Python is fun', '', '')
('Python ', 'is', " fun, isn't it")

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