R List

A List is a collection of similar or different types of data.

In R, we use the list() function to create a list. For example,

# list with similar type of data 
list1 <- list(24, 29, 32, 34)

# list with different type of data
list2 <- list("Ranjy", 38, TRUE)


  • list1 - list of integers
  • list2 - list containing string, integer, and boolean value

Access List Elements in R

In R, each element in a list is associated with a number. The number is known as a list index.

We can access elements of a list using the index number (1, 2, 3 …). For example,

list1 <- list(24, "Sabby", 5.4, "Nepal")

# access 1st item
print(list1[1]) # 24

# access 4th item
print(list1[4]) # Nepal

In the above example, we have created a list named list1.

Here, we have used the vector index to access the vector elements

  • list1[1] - access the first element 24
  • list1[4] - accesses the third element "Nepal"

Note: In R, the list index always starts with 1. Hence, the first element of a list is present at index 1, second element at index 2 and so on.

Modify a List Element in R

To change a list element, we can simply reassign a new value to the specific index. For example,

list1 <- list(24, "Sabby", 5.4, "Nepal")

# change element at index 2
list1[2] <- "Cathy"

# print updated list


[1] 24

[1] "Cathy"

[1] 5.4

[1] "Nepal"

Here, we have reassigned a new value to index 2 to change the list element from "Sabby" to "Cathy".

Add Items to R List

We use the append() function to add an item at the end of the list. For example,

list1 <- list(24, "Sabby", 5.4, "Nepal")

# using append() function 
append(list1, 3.14)


[1] 24

[1] "Sabby"

[1] 5.4

[1] "Nepal"

[1] 3.14

In the above example, we have created a list named list1. Notice the line,

append(list1, 3.14)

Here, append() adds 3.14 at the end of the list.

Remove Items From a List in R

R allows us to remove items for a list. We first access elements using a list index and add negative sign - to indicate we want to delete the item. For example,

  • [-1] - removes 1st item
  • [-2] - removes 2nd item and so on.
list1 <- list(24, "Sabby", 5.4, "Nepal")

# remove 4th item
print(list1[-4]) # Nepal


[1] "Sabby"

[1] 5.4

[1] "Nepal"

Here, list[-4] removes the 4th item of list1.

Length of R List

In R, we can use the length() function to find the number of elements present inside the list. For example,

list1 <- list(24, "Sabby", 5.4, "Nepal")

# find total elements in list1 using length()
cat("Total Elements:", length(list1))


Total Elements: 4

Here, we have used the length() function to find the length of list1. Since there are 4 elements in list1 so length() returns 4.

Loop Over a List

In R, we can also loop through each element of the list using the for loop. For example,

items <- list(24, "Sabby", 5.4, "Nepal")

# iterate through each elements of numbers
for (item in items) {


[1] 24
[1] "Sabby"
[1] 5.4
[1] "Nepal"

Check if Element Exists in R List

In R, we use the %in% operator to check if the specified element is present in the list or not and returns a boolean value.

  • TRUE - if specified element is present in the list
  • FALSE - if specified element is not present in the list

For example,

list1 <- list(24, "Sabby", 5.4, "Nepal")

"Sabby" %in% list1 # TRUE

"Kinsley" %in% list1 # FALSE




  • "Larry" is present in list1, so the method returns TRUE
  • "Kinsley" is not present in list1, so the method returns FALSE
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