C# goto

In C#, the goto statement transfers control to some other part of the program. For example,

goto label;

Here, label is an identifier. When goto label; is encountered, the control of the program is transferred to label:. Then the code below label: is executed.

Working of goto in C#
Working of goto in C#

Example: C# goto

using System;

namespace CSharpGoto {

  class Program {
    public static void Main(string[] args) {
// label repeat:
Console.WriteLine("Enter a number less than 10"); int num = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); if(num >= 10) {
// transfers control to repeat goto repeat;
} Console.WriteLine(num + " is less than 10"); Console.ReadLine(); } } }


Enter a number less than 10
Enter a number less than 10
9 is less than 10

In the above program, we have a goto statement inside the if statement.

If the entered number is not less than 10, goto repeat: transfers the control of the code to repeat:. Then, the code below repeat: is executed.

The control of code will be transferred to the repeat: label unless the entered number is less than 10.

C# goto with switch statement

In C#, we can use goto with a switch statement to transfer control of a program to a specific case. For example,

using System;

namespace CSharpGoto {

  class Program {

    public static void Main(string[] args) {

      Console.Write("Choose your coffee? milk or black: ");
      string coffeeType = Console.ReadLine();

      switch (coffeeType) {
        case "milk":
          Console.WriteLine("Can I have a milk coffee?");

        case "black":
          Console.WriteLine("Can I have a black coffee?");
// transfer code to case "milk" goto case "milk";
default: Console.WriteLine("Not available."); break; } Console.ReadLine(); } } }


Can I have a black coffee?
Can I have a milk coffee?

In the above program, we have used the goto statement with a switch statement.

We have entered "black" as the coffeeType. Now the case "black" is executed.

Inside the case, we have used goto case "milk"; which will transfer the control of the program to the case "milk".

Hence, both cases are executed.

goto with for Loop

In C#, we can use goto to break out of a for loop. For example,

using System;

namespace CSharpGoto {

  class Program {

    static void Main() {
    for(int i = 0; i <= 10; i++) {

      if(i == 5) {
// transfers control to End label goto End;
} Console.WriteLine(i); }
// End label End:
Console.WriteLine("Loop End"); Console.ReadLine(); } } }


Loop End

In the above program, we have created a for loop. It iterates from 0 to 100.

Whenever the value of i equals 5, the goto statement transfers the control of code to the End label. Hence, the program breaks out of the for loop.

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