R Program to Count the Number of Elements in a Vector

The length of a vector means the total number of elements present in a given vector.

In R, we can use the length() function to find the total number of elements present in a vector.

Example: Length of a Vector in R Using length()

# create a vector
languages <- c("R", "Swift", "Java", "Python")

# find length of languages vector
length(languages) # 4

# create another vector
numbers <- c(1,5,7,9,12,54)

# find length of numbers vector
length(numbers) # 6


[1] 4
[1] 6

In the above example, we have used the length() function to find the length of the vector named languages and numbers respectively.


  • languages contain 4 elements, the function 4.
  • numbers contain 6 elements, the function 6.

Example 2: Length of a String in R Using str_length()

In order to use the str_length() function, we first import the stringr package.

# import stringr package

string1 <- "Programiz"

# use str_length() of stringr package to find length
result <- str_length(string1)

cat("Total length:", result)


Total length: 9

Here, we have used the str_length() function provided by the stringr package to find the length of string1.

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